
saharako kitarrajolea

blueswoman of the desert:

may the moon

watch over

your new chords

(when the green march turns into sand)

may the sun

talk over

your new words

(when the blue sea returns to your homeland)

may you drink

all the water on the earth

before love says

this is the end.


buruko horia edo artists do not cross

saharauiar gizonari begira nago

i stand looking at the saharian man

bere buruko horiarekin

with his yellow turban

ta duda-mudak

and i wonder


and wonder again

lurrera begira

in no-ones land

lurrik gabe

without land

sukaldean sutan sua suziria

closed in the water closed enclosure

sao paulo-n irri

crying with the wah wah

ardotxo txuria

red red wine

zenbait oilo ta urteroko kamioiak elkartasun laguntza dakartenak

besterik ez

a drop of water could be enough

artists do not cross during the war

or whatever

(watever) (water ever) (water-never)


(poxpoloen poxpolinak? ez; hori beste poema bat zen).

Ives Klein Blue

The girl jumps over the orange

the waiting room painted in blue

Ives Klein blue

the palms fight with the city lights

the desert runs

time as a desert

you said you would like to live there forever more, in the paintings by nicholas de stael

the orange jumps

the blue waits

the red doesn´t sound anymore.

Ives Klein urdina

neskatoak salto egiten du laranjaren gainetik

itxaron gela urdinez margotua

Ives Klein urdinez margotua

palmondoak hiriaren argiekin borrokan

desertua lasterka doa

denbora desertu gisa

esan zenun betiko bizi nahiko zenuela hantxe, nicholas de stael-en kuadroetan

laranjak salto egiten du

urdinak itxaron egiten du

gorriak ez du soinurik ostera egingo.



dunaren gainean
ilargi gorri bat piztu da

emeki dator
hondarrezko ilargia

xaiak irri egiten du
smarako arrats beheran

desertua hain da zabala
itsasoa hain dago urrun


Poxpolinen hankak
ikusten ditut
Ama-lur pelikulan

gizonek plazaren


ikusgarritasun osoa

lan munduaren


etzegoen emakumerik euskal herrian

Poxpolinen hankak
ikusten ditut
Ama-lur pelikulan


kaixo, aspaldiko partez


denbora luzea

gogamena lehor.

bueltan nator,

poesia ta txingor.

poesiak jartzen du hitza,

musikak jarriko doinua,

urtarrilean blog hau

ikuskizun bihurtuko da.

Kitarraz lagunduta,

bideo irudiez jantzita,

dj-ak apainduta,

euskal herrian barna ibiliko gera.

denak beraz gonbidatuta.