
Ives Klein Blue

The girl jumps over the orange

the waiting room painted in blue

Ives Klein blue

the palms fight with the city lights

the desert runs

time as a desert

you said you would like to live there forever more, in the paintings by nicholas de stael

the orange jumps

the blue waits

the red doesn´t sound anymore.

Ives Klein urdina

neskatoak salto egiten du laranjaren gainetik

itxaron gela urdinez margotua

Ives Klein urdinez margotua

palmondoak hiriaren argiekin borrokan

desertua lasterka doa

denbora desertu gisa

esan zenun betiko bizi nahiko zenuela hantxe, nicholas de stael-en kuadroetan

laranjak salto egiten du

urdinak itxaron egiten du

gorriak ez du soinurik ostera egingo.