"Be real" is a kind of hiphop message. I am wondering about it. Doesn´t sound bad, but it makes me think. Could anyone reach the feeling of not being real? Ok, is a kind of thing against hipocrisy, I supose. The world of hiphop maybe sometimes is unreal and artificial, like the disposable heroes of hiphopcrisy once said.
But the point I make is that one concept after another, now real, then the most "in", the older concept of cool, da hipe, newest, latest, happening ....
I don´t like this.
But in the other hand, just cheating to practice my written english.
Goenkaletarrak (La Infiltrada filmaren inguruan)
Pixkat despistatuta utzi nau La Infiltrada filmak. Ez dut uste film ona
denik, eta jaso duena txalo politikoa dela iruditzen zait. Eta gidoiaren
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